Home Events Sony RX Series VLOG workshop – JB

Sony RX Series VLOG workshop – JB


This time around, the Sony RX Series VLOG workshop moved down south to the vibrant city of JB on a Saturday mid-morning on 7 Sept 2019.

Sony RX Series VLOG Workshop in Johor Bahru

Like the previous two other workshops in PJ and Penang previously, this workshop is an ongoing effort promoted by Sony Malaysia to encourage users to have an in-depth look at how vlog works and how to get started with its RX Camera series. Speaker Baron Abas, who is also a well known Vlogger and Sony Malaysia’s key opinion leader to lead the pack with a series of knowledge and necessary skills to vlog.

Baron explained the flow to create successful vlog stories, starting from the storyboards, the use of the right tools for vlog such as the RX series cameras and his personal shooting concept and style to create his exciting documentary and vlog stories with his easy to follow steps, all for the JB folks to take note.

Baron Abas, Sony Malaysia’s RX KOL

Sony RX10 series and the RX100 series are some of his regular workhorses used to created his contents. He explains each of these cameras has its strength in vlog content creations and how to get full advantage from it. During the workshop, Baron demonstrated the necessary basic moves to created stable and useable video footages through live feed tutorial. Loan units of Sony cameras are available for the participant to have a real hands-on demonstration.

Participants came from all walk of life, from mummy who wanted to create vlogs of her children growing up, the cafe owner who wanted to make videos and vlog about coffee arts to youngsters who wanted to get a head start in vlogging. All of the participants are happy with Baron’s friendly approach to share his experience and skills.

If you are interested to come to the upcoming workshops, so follow us in our social media or subscribe to our newsletter below.

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Editor | Arthur Chen
Editor, Photographer, Video Director & Producer and avid Traveller. The media industry has been my playground for a long time and is getting more exciting by the days.